Access to HE Diploma (Social Sciences)

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Cornwall College Camborne - 15 September 2025
Cornwall College St Austell - 15 September 2025
Level 3 Levels Explained
1 Year
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Course information

Woman visiting and elderly person at home showing their credentials Access courses are designed as a stepping stone to enable motivated, enthusiastic people to progress onto Higher Education. This course is ideal if you want to re-direct your career into areas, amongst others, such as social work, teaching or health and social care management.

This course would also be ideal for those wishing to take a social sciences subject specific degree such as sociology, psychology and criminology etc.

This is a challenging course and it is expected that students will complete a minimum of 15 hours additional independent study each week. Students may access college facilities on the days that they are not taught with some evening study available.

Please also be advised that most universities require work experience to complement your UCAS application. It is therefore highly recommended that you find work within the health care sector in either a voluntary or paid capacity.
Please Note: This course is only available to applicants who are 19+

Cambridge Access Validating Agency (CAVA)Cambridge Access Validating Agency (CAVA)

Subjects on this course include:
Study Skills and Information Technology
Interpersonal Skills
Social Policy
Health promotion
and other related social science units.

You will also be given advice on writing a personal statement and completing a UCAS application.

GCSE English and Level 2 in maths

Assignment based coursework and sometimes assessment by exam.

This is a nationally recognised qualification which gives students the opportunity of applying to university for a range of Social Sciences, Health, and Care related degrees including: Sociology; Mental Health; Social Work etc. Please be advised that each university stipulates its own entry requirements and you are advised to ensure you research these fully prior to application on the Access course.

Cornwall College Camborne

Cornwall College Camborne

Our Camborne campus has served as a vocational training hub for nearly a century. The iconic Tamar tower and the ‘big top’ that covers our construction and engineering provision, are landmarks known throughout the area. This legacy, combined with an exciting modernisation programme, has made Cornwall College Camborne the home of cutting edge facilities, dynamic learning experiences and fantastic student spaces. Open and modern learning areas, electric vehicle training labs, esports gaming facilities, chill out areas, an award-winning restaurant and plenty more besides, makes this the perfect place to have your #careercollege experience.

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Cornwall College St Austell

Cornwall College St Austell

Set at the top of St Austell, with incredible views over the bay, our campus boasts ground-breaking facilities and exceptional student spaces. The Keay Theatre area plays host to our famous Altitude Dance Academy and performing arts, while our award-winning student restaurant Cloisters is recognised as one of the best in the country. Brand new electric vehicle training labs set within our modern construction and engineering buildings showcase just some of the incredible opportunities for people in St Austell and beyond.

Read more on the exciting developments at St Austell & Camborne

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Course type Adult
Tuition Fees: £3022.00
If you are aged 19+, the cost of the course will depend on your circumstances. Detailed information can be found in our Financial Support Section.
Financial support for ages 19+
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Course Code 14351-CAM-25, 15024-STA-25

Courses listed on this website are indicative of the subject, nature and level of study. The College reserves the right to alter specific qualifications titles, awarding bodies and levels of qualification, which can change in year. Any cost may also vary, based on personal funding eligibility. The Cornwall College Group reserves the right to withdraw any course listed at any time.

Access to HE Diploma (Social Sciences) Level 3 Cornwall College CamborneCornwall College St Austell Access, MentalHealth, Health, Psychology, Sociology, SocialCare, CAVA
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