Level 2 T Level Foundation Year – Health

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Cornwall College St Austell - 8 September 2025
Level 2 Levels Explained
1 year
Social Care & Health Find out more

Course information

If you want to make a positive difference to someone’s life by contributing to their health, happiness and wellbeing then a career in Health and Social Care is the choice for you.

This foundation programme will allow you to gain all the necessary skills, experience and knowledge to progress on to a T -Level in Health or an appropriate apprenticeship. With a focus on Biology, Anatomy and Physiology, as well as an emphasis on social care, and the skills you will need to succeed, this course is designed for students who are not yet ready to take on a T Level programme. During this year you will have a chance to achieve grade 4’s in your Maths and English GCSE’s, build resilience and communications skills, as well as confidence and vital knowledge.

The course aims to help you enhance the skills you already possess and develop others such as the ability to treat people with dignity, empathy and excellent time management.

Studying the course will introduce you to some of the practices being used within health and social care settings such as hospitals, care homes and children’s centres. This will include person-centred care, infection prevention and communication strategies and could be developed in the classroom, equipped clinical room or work placement.

This 1 year course will explain the role of the Health and Social Care practitioner when working with members of the community.

Through hands-on learning you will learn about a number of interesting areas including growth and development, Anatomy and Physiology, communication, Health and Safety and Equality and Diversity.

You will also develop your practical skills through a placement in a health and social care setting which will give you working knowledge of current practice and build on your skills to be an effective team member.

Our experienced tutors will give you the skills and confidence to be able to develop person centred care plans and respond to individuals needs effectively.

Entry requirements for external applicants and school leavers
• Three or more GCSEs at Grade 3 or above, or successful completion of a relevant Level 1 qualification.

Entry requirements for existing learners with the Cornwall College Group
• Successful completion of previous course and, where relevant, progress in maths and/or English.

Please note: Some of our courses may have extra entry requirements or need a bit more information, like evidence or experience. Don't worry—we’ll guide you through everything when you apply!

Throughout your course you will spend two days a week in a Health and Social Care setting to develop your skills in practice. This could be a care home, hospital, activity day centre, baby clinic or Children’s Centre to name a few. We help you to find your placement and a member of the team will visit you once per term to see how you are progressing.

You will be assessed throughout the year both with internal assignments and external assessment. The assessments will take a range of forms, such as assignments, simulation activities, or formative exams.

This course is specifically aimed at enabling students to progress on to a T Level in Health, however, once you have finished this course you may wish to progress on to a level three apprenticeship.

Successful completion of a T level in Health or a level three apprenticeship could open doors into a large variety of careers such as Nursing, Midwifery, Care Support Workers in adult residential settings, Healthcare assistants in community, primary care and acute health environments, Care support workers in domiciliary services, supported living or day services and Community-based support workers. A T level in health will allow you to progress on to university study, or higher level apprenticeships within the NHS.

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Course type 16-19
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16-18 Tuition fees: £0
If you’re aged 16-18 when you begin your course, you will usually be eligible for free tuition. Detailed information can be found in our Financial Support section.
Financial support for School Leavers
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Course Code 14952-STA-25

Courses listed on this website are indicative of the subject, nature and level of study. The College reserves the right to alter specific qualifications titles, awarding bodies and levels of qualification, which can change in year. Any cost may also vary, based on personal funding eligibility. The Cornwall College Group reserves the right to withdraw any course listed at any time.

Level 2 T Level Foundation Year – Health Level 2 Cornwall College St Austell https://www.cornwall.ac.uk/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/Level-2-T-Level-Foundation-Year-Health2.jpg Healthandsocialcare, Tlevel, transition, Foundationyear
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