Hiring an apprentice allows you to invest in the future of your business by teaching someone your trade in a way that works for you.  

By taking on an apprentice through Cornwall College, you’ll receive support throughout the duration of the apprenticeship, from finding and hiring suitable candidates to monitoring their progress. 

Apprenticeships in Cornwall and Devon

What are apprenticeships?

Apprenticeships combine work-based training with college studies, designed to teach sector-specific skills and help apprentices meet the demands of the work environment. Apprentices usually work for at least 30 hours – including college study – per week.

Apprentices can be any age, from 16 onwards. Apprenticeships attract a range of applicants, from young people entering the world of work, to existing staff who want to expand or diversify their skillset.

We offer a wide range of apprenticeships across Cornwall and Devon, in everything from construction, engineering and carpentry, to business administration, catering and hairdressing.

At Adaero, we rely on skilled professionals who are adaptable and forward-thinking, and this apprenticeship provides an excellent opportunity to develop exactly the kind of talent the industry needs.

Ian Steel, Managing Director of Adaero Precision Components

How can apprenticeships help your business?

There are many reasons to take on an apprentice: 

  • Train staff to fit your individual business needs
  • Fill skills gaps, without the cost of recruitment, picking from talented and motivated candidates
  • Increase productivity and your bottom line
  • Build loyalty and dedication, with employees who are invested in your business from the very start of their career
  • Offer on-the-job training in a safe working environment
  • Build a culture of learning and development
  • Promote diversity and inclusion in the workplace
  • Get ongoing support from a dedicated Apprenticeship Advisor throughout the length of the apprenticeship
  • A range of funding options
  • Financial incentives of £1,000 per apprentice if you hire someone aged between 16 and 18
Apprenticeships in Cornwall and Devon

Outstanding value – The value of apprentices outweighs their associated costs. Most employers see a yearly gain between £2.500 and £18,000 per apprentice during their training period* The question is, can you afford NOT to take on an apprentice?

How can we help you?

Our Apprenticeship Recruitment Service can help save you both time and money. We’ll support you in the following ways: 

  • Recruitment and selection, including advertising vacancies
  • Registering with the Government’s apprenticeships Digital Account Service, which is required for any business taking on an apprentice
  • Supporting you with funding and grant opportunities, ensuring you maximise your budget and cover the costs of hiring an apprentice
  • Mentoring your apprentice every step of the way, throughout both college and work life

On average, our Apprenticeship Recruitment Service can save you £750 per apprentice in recruitment costs.

How can I apply?

Find out more or begin the application process now by getting in contact with our Apprenticeship Team on 0330 123 4785 or apprenticeships@cornwall.ac.uk 

Or fill out our online contact form: 

I find it really refreshing having a young member to my team, and I think it’s important we start teaching the next generation of chefs as young as possible!

I firmly believe that on the job learning is the most effective way of teaching a young chef, as it allows them to experience first-hand what working in a kitchen is like.

Ross Sloan, Head Chef at Kota Collective

What support is available?

The great news is that there’s lots of support available to help fund the training cost of your apprenticeship, as well as the £1,000 incentive for every young apprentice you hire under the age of 19. What you pay towards the apprenticeship will depend on the size of your business, and the age of the apprentice you employ:

Small and medium companies 
If your payroll is less than £3 million annually, then training will be 95% funded.  

However, if you employ someone who is either aged between 16 and 21, or someone aged between 22 and 24 if they are a care leaver or have an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP), then the training will be 100% funded.

Large companies 
If your payroll is above £3 million annually, then you will already be paying 0.5% of your annual pay bill into the Government’s Apprenticeship Levy. The cost of training your apprentice will be funded by your Apprenticeship Levy allowance.  

Additional funding and support 
Regardless of the size of your business, you could be eligible for an additional £1,000 incentive if you take on an apprentice who is either aged between 16 and 21, or someone aged between 22 and 24 if they are a care leaver or have an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP). This can be spent on anything from uniform and materials to travel costs. 

There are also a range of bursaries available to help apprentices with costs like transport and accommodation.